what is a hot air balloon flight like?


534 303 700

Loty widokowe balonem


+48 534 303 700

passenger zone

Balon na linach podczas pokazu. Piknik lotniczy i obszar potrzebny do zorganizowania lotów balonem

what area is needed to organize thetered flights?

Szczegółowy kalendarz pokazujący o jakiej porze dnia można bezpiecznie latać balonem w zależności od pory roku

For such an attraction, a grassy area of at least 50x50m is needed. The area cannot be located under high voltage lines or in their immediate vicinity. The meadow or playing field should not have any obstacles in the form of poles, trees, lamps, benches, etc. and should not contain any material that could damage the coating during filling, e.g. rubble or sharp objects. The balloon is anchored to the ground using screw-in jigs or ropes are attached to solid points outside the flight area.

The balloon is the safest aircraft ever invented by man. All safeguards are significantly oversized, the amount of fuel taken is at least twice as high as needed for the flight, and the power supply system is doubled, which, combined with good weather, makes it an extremely safe activity. We never fly under pressure. Our pilots have many years of experience, professional licenses, and the equipment is under strict control of the Civil Aviation Office and a certified maintenance organization.

A quite common fear among future passengers is that a bird will come, pierce the envelope with its beak, and the balloon will lose air and fall down like in a cartoon.

Of course, this is impossible :-) The material from which the coating is made is non-flammable ripstop polyester with triple cross thread, which is very durable and resistant to ripping. The entire balloon is trimmed with 24 carrying straps each with a strength of several tons. The basket is braided with steel ropes connected with 4 carabiners to the envelope with a strength of 12 tons. The envelope holds 5,400 kg of air which we heat with burners to 100°C with a total power of 7.8 MW generated at 6 bar of pressure. Thanks to which the take-off weight of the balloon, including passengers, fuel and the weight of the equipment, can reach up to 1,520 kg.

The passenger must be in good overall condition. He must not be under the influence of alcohol or other substances that affect his physical and mental condition. The minimum passenger height is 115 cm, in practice for 5-year-olds or older. Minors must be under the care of their legal guardians. Balloon flight is not recommended for people who have recently had a heart attack, surgery, problems with the hips, spine, knees, or for pregnant or postpartum women. If in doubt, please contact your attending physician who knows the passenger's capabilities and limitations best.

is it safe to fly in a hot air balloon?

what are the contraindications for flying?

in what conditions we do not fly?

• during rainfall and low visibility

• if there is a risk of a storm (developed convective clouds) and insufficient separation from this type of clouds.

• when the surface wind speed exceeds 4 m/s - 15 km/h in the case of free flights or 2 m/s - 7.5 km/h in the case of tethered flights. If there is a risk of wind shear and gradient winds of significant strength.

You can fly a hot air balloon all year round. Each season has its unique scenic advantages. Due to the thermals, from March to November, flights are organized at sunrise or before the sunset.

in what conditions and seasons I can fly a hot air balloon?

It is a very pleasant feeling of floating in the sky in complete silence interrupted only by the sound of the burners. Moving freely across the sky, we admire nature from a previously unknown bird's eye perspective.

A common concern of future passengers during the colder seasons is the possibility of getting cold during the flight. Thanks to the burners and 4,500 cubic meters of hot air enclosed in the balloon's envelope, in the basket is several degrees warmer than the air surrounding it. Additionally, above the ground inversion the air is drier and once the wind speed is equalized, it is undetectable.

This happens extremely rarely. This is due to the inability to change the direction of flight beyond what the wind offers. That's why our ground crew always follows the balloon and takes passengers to the meeting point after landing.

what's the landing like?

will we land in the same place?

The altitude changes depending on the speed and direction of the wind and the objects passed along the flight route. We usually do not exceed the height of 600-1000 m above the ground. This is the optimal perspective for enjoying the surrounding views. The distance traveled depends on the wind speed, most often it is 10-15 km. It may also be 2 km if we fly in a high-pressure wedge or 30 km if the wind strength increases significantly with altitude.

pasażerowie podziwiają widoki z kosza balonowego podczas lotu nad Sandomierzem i podczas wysokiego lotu zaręczynowego.
Mężczyzna wsiada do balonu, kobieta wsiada do balonu na lot grupowy. Przygotowanie do startu.

You will use the steps on the basket side and hold on to the burner supports. Please let us know in advance if a passenger may require assistance when boarding.

We recommend wearing sports clothing adapted to the conditions on the ground. You can take a small backpack or purse, a camera and water.

Typically, a balloon flight lasts about 1 hour (+/- 15 min). The entire adventure lasts about 3-4 hours.

If the passengers are accompanied by people who stay on the ground and have the opportunity to follow the balloon in their vehicle, you can save about an hour from the entire action. At the landing site, you do not have to wait until you fold the balloon and return to the meeting point.

After determining the details regarding the date and place of the flight, our team meets the passengers at the designated place and time. Passengers are transported to the launch site and the balloon inflating process begins. At the pilot's signal, passengers enter the basket, where they are shortly trained about flight safety rules. After landing, passengers are taken back to the meeting point.

how high & far does the balloon fly?

how do i get in the basket

How should I prepare for the flight?

how long is the flight?

What does the offered flight look like?

Depending on the wind speed, we choose a field long enough for the balloon to land safely. In light winds, the balloon will touch down gently. In faster winds, you should hold on to the rope handles inside the basket. The tanks and the floor are covered with foam that effectively absorbs shocks. Until the appropriate amount of air is released from the envelope, the balloon is dragged along the ground in an inclined position.

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